Copyrighted Rahman,brigitte arlette-2000(c0

Published in the USA by the Library of Congress

A search warrant had been signed
by a despotic hand, against the humane being
residing illegally in my life.

The charges were heavy: one last hope
hidden away from a forgotten past
undeclared and priceless.
the state had found itself cheated.

The hunt was on, the dogs were unleashed
to sniff the parchment of La Marseillaise,
still dripping with La Bergere's blood.

My dream had given itself away
at La Bastille, infamous and proud blue
The dictator of the words ruled: What bleeds is real,.
Execute the culprit at once
One guillotine precise and merciful decapitated
my mortal anguish for ever
while Lerouge sang the immortal hymn
Enfants de La Patrie

Copyrighted Rahman, Brigitte Arlette-2000



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